INSTACOAT CFC è un sistema di rivestimento filmogeno a base di HPMC e Xilitolo, adatto alla ricostituzione in acquoso. is a HPMC and Xylitol film coating system, suitable for reconstitution in water It allows to obtain a chewable and crunchy film, applying the standard conditions in the coating pan. It is suitable for caoting systems of all types and sizes. The film obtained has a low calorie content.
This particular type of product has been developed to replicate the result that can be obtained with a sugar coating process, using the classic systems for film coating, thus reducing costs and process times.
Reconstitution level:
Reconstitution in purified water up to 28% w / w of solid
Recommended equipment:
Mechanical stirrer with variable speed
Mixing Vessel
Calculation for the quantities of INSTACOAT CFC and solvent:
The amount of INSTACOAT CFC (28% w/w) and water required is based on the amount of cores that need to be coated and the desired weight gain. For 1 kg of tablets and a 35% weight gain, 350 g of INSTACOAT CFC will be required to be added to 900 g of water.
Reconstitution process:
Gli uffici IPDistribution srl resteranno chiusi per le festività natalizie
dal 27 al 29 dicembre 2023, compresi
IPDistribution offices will remain closed for Xmas break
during December 27th to 29th, 2023 included